If you read our last blog post, you’ll remember why protein is so important. In case you haven’t read it, I suggest you do because this post will go more in depth with an emphasis on the relationship between protein, exercise, and muscles. Keep reading if you want to find out how to use these three things together to your full advantage.
Working out has a great effect on reparative, statural, and hypertrophic growth in all people – male, female, young, or old. It can aid statural growth and it offers the required metabolic and mechanical stimuli, which are needed for reparative growth and musculoskeletal hypertrophy. The fact of the matter is that effective types of workouts are very necessary in order to produce muscle hypertrophy, increased strength, and lean body mass.
A particular study was conducted with two groups of overweight women. The first group worked out and the second did not. Each group was put on a calorie restricted diet that consisted of about 80 grams of protein. When compared, the study found that the group that worked out experienced substantial hypertrophy of the muscles and weight loss. The other group only experienced the weight loss.
As you can probably tell from this study, proper exercise and protein go hand in hand when it comes to the development of muscles. The fact is that even though hypertrophy of the muscles could happen during a low calorie diet, substantial hypertrophy could not occur if such a diet was also low in protein. Furthermore, dietary levels of protein need to be adequately high so that the substrate necessary for muscle hypertrophy can be produced.
The bottom line is protein and resistance exercise need to work together in order for you to get real results. Think of them as the basic building blocks of muscle. However, there is more to this relationship in terms of sequence. First, make sure you have an effective proven, exercise routine in place. Secondly, be sure to have a quick source of high protein that you can consume right after your workout. We highly recommend our 100% Platinum Whey supplement that was mentioned in our previous blog post. It takes seconds to mix with your favorite healthy beverage and it is very easy to take anywhere that you work out. If you are going to work out somewhere that is not close to home, such as your local gym, we suggest mixing it before you exercise and putting it in a portable cup.
It is very important that you follow the order just mentioned. Again, work out first and consume a good source of protein as soon as possible after. Why you ask? Basically, when you increase your workout intensity, you stimulate your body and as a result it will adjust by increasing its muscle mass. As a result it is vital to increase your consumption of dietary protein as well. Additionally, when you exceed the intensity of a particular workout, protein becomes even more important to increase the effects of such physical activity. It does this by producing the necessary substrates and also by directly influencing catabolism, hormones, and protein synthesis.
I hope you found this blog post to be useful. Use the information to get better overall results. When will you be working out next?
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